CHIRON SOFTWARE has researched and developed revolutionary techniques for encryption based products. Having studied the demands of the market place, we have started to deliver the first in a range of generic products aimed at meeting these specific needs.
As part of the whole process of developing 'industrial strength' solutions, it was apparent that the Chiron Software solutions would also be highly beneficial for sole traders, companies of less than 50 employees and even home users.
In a world where Electronic Fraud is on the increase, any steps that small businesses and home users can take to protect their own 'intellectual property', must be beneficial and must be high priority.
There are many products available in the data protection market which attempt to address the problems. For the most part, PC-based products lack speed and/or strength and/or flexibility, whilst others are tailored to specific demands and cannot be readily adapted as a solution for differing needs.
The market has been led to believe that block ciphers are the only safe way of protecting data; that stream ciphers have inherent weaknesses. In today's high speed world, the use of block ciphers has created an unacceptable situation where the user must suffer frustrating delays through the known lack of speed of these encryption methods, or pay the premiums for achieving required speeds electronically.
CHIRON SOFTWARE has developed unique techniques in algorithm design and authentication methods to provide fast, safe and flexible solutions to these problems. Because of the nature of our setup and of the strength and simplicity of deployment of our solutions, Chiron Software is able to offer Chiron Fortress Personal at a remarkably competitive price. Return On Investment is immediate!!